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Blog, Product Info The benefits of racing an E-Bike

A relative newcomer to the world of racing, E-Bikes offer something different. Race champ and mountain bike enthusiast Lucas Pitt explains why.

A relative newcomer to the world of racing, E-Bikes offer something different. Race champ and mountain bike enthusiast Lucas Pitt explains why.

Posted on: 8th January

There are multiple ways of racing an E-Bike which can be beneficial over a normal bike. Firstly, racing E-Bikes is such a new class of racing that it only came into all formats of local racing in 2020 with racing taking place in cross country, downhill and enduro. This brings something new to racing and gives a different dimension to the sport.

Enduro is the format which has changed mostly over the course of the year with each different round bringing different formats for E-Bikes. This has constantly kept riders on their toes not knowing if we would race every track twice or have extra sections specifically for E-Bikes.

Downhill racing was also a great benefit because instead of sitting around all day waiting for shuttles you could ride up quicker than the busses and not have to wait. This means twice as much riding, in half the time. The added weight of the E-Bike also becomes very beneficial here as the bike is super stable over rough terrain making it easier to go quicker without losing control. These are just some of the many positives of racing an E-Bike at a downhill race.

Cross country racing was probably the most similar to normal bikes. The race ran 4 short sharp laps which is great if you want a quick 40-minute burn on a Sunday morning. Saving time for family or other commitments over the weekend.

All racing formats have their different benefits and are suited to different riders. You definitely work as hard if not harder at some races. Sometimes doing double the tracks or longer tracks as racing formats are modified for E-Bikers, however it can be a lot more enjoyable as the ride back up the hill isn’t as hard.