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Blog Myth - E-biking isn’t as hard

When people ask about riding an E-Bike, a common myth is that it is not as hard to ride as the E-Bike helps you. This is probably one of the most common questions asked and until you ride an E-Bike is the hardest to understand.

When people ask about riding an E-Bike, a common myth is that it is not as hard to ride as the E-Bike helps you. This is probably one of the most common questions asked and until you ride an E-Bike is the hardest to understand.

Posted on: 4th January

When people ask about riding an E-Bike, a common myth is that it is not as hard to ride as the E-Bike helps you. This is probably one of the most common misconceptions about E-Bikes and until you ride one, it is the hardest to understand.

You definitely can work just as hard as riding a normal bike, however it's completely up to you as the rider. Unlike a normal bike where there is no easy way up a hill, the E-Bike supports you as you put it in the lowest gear and then turn the power up to help you up the hill. However, this can make the hill easier or you can ride up trails twice as steep giving you just as much of a workout.

I have found that my rides have become longer because the E-Bike can allow you to cover nearly double the ground in the same amount of time. This can be great when trying to fit in a ride after work or family commitments. Who doesn’t want to ride an extra 3 runs?

If you want to get a workout you can, you just end up riding twice as fast up the hill. But then on the other hand if you want to cruise or ride double your normal distance, an E-Bike will help you achieve this making them a beneficial bike to a wide range of people.